Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Belly at 37 weeks


Our Little Baby! said...

You are still skinny in my opinion. I look bigger than you now and I am only 10 weeks.. You make me sick you are so cute..

Anonymous said...

It looks like the little baby is all set. I can't wait to see her! Your tummy is the cutest ever. It looks like a little basketball. You are probably going to shrink back down to stick size the day after you have her, and this is why we hate you! Just kidding! I hope you are feeling OK...think "thin and open!!"

Jennifer said...

Kellie, I think that if you are gonna say that you are as big as me, you better post a picture to back that up. I already told you there are parts of my body that I haven't seen in months and I think you are full of it!!

Our Little Baby! said...

I cant post a picture because my fat belly is just rolls. You have a cute belly.. I would scare everyone away with mine.. :)