Tuesday, August 05, 2008


So far so good. That's how it's going. Yesterday Lily was so excited to go to school. She got dressed all by herself and told Josh, "Daddy, it's time for me to go." She was funny. When we got there, she decided that I needed to hold her and then she cried. So I walked out of her class and stood in the hall to see how long she was gonna be upset. So yeah, I was the crazy lady standing in the hall crying. She got over it in about 5 minutes. Everyone said she was really good, which I'm sure they tell every mom who stands in the hall crying. Josh said she didn't want to leave when he went to pick her up, but in the car she said she didn't have fun and didn't make any friends. She was talking an awful lot about Jackson for a little girl who didn't make any friends.

This morning, we had the whole excited until we got there again. She even gave me a hug and went to play when we got there, but when I opened the door to leave, she flipped. At least today I didn't cry. Maybe by tomorrow neither one of us will be in tears when I leave!

I just wanted to thank everyone for being so nice about this. I know it is so silly, but I really have been upset about it. It helps to know that I have such great people who love me and Lily!


Rita Bird said...

YEA!!!! I am sooooo happy to hear things are going well. I was thinking about you and Lily this morning and wondering when we would get an update. I will continue to keep praying for you guys.

Katy said...

Aw Jen, I am just catching up. I am so sorry it has been hard on the two of you! I hope the rest of the week went very well. I love the new pictures of Lily. She is so beautiful!

Mandy Mc said...

I hope things continue to get better and better. I think one of my mom's friend's granddaughter's (how's that for complicated?!?!) may be in Lily's class. Her name is Anna. I hope that she is being nice to Lily.

Rita Bird said...

I need an update on day care. Please?