We had a small family birthday party for Jacob's first birthday. Lily helped me deocrate the kitchen with streamers and balloons.

Bring on the cake!

This silly stunned look was pretty much his reaction to all of the presents. Lily did get the all opened for him. They have both been playing with them for the last 2 weeks! Rotten kids, I tell you!

Publix cake. Didn't love it. Oh well. It's just a cake!

Not sure about the flame and the people singing.

Getting a taste of frosting. Notice Lily had to wear her princess crown, since Jacob got to wear a "prince" crown.

He got the cake eating figured out! LOVED it.

What good manners! He's sharing with Aunt Sonny.

Look at the scrunched nose as he shovels more in!

He literally had frosting up his nose all night. He would sneeze and more would come out! It was gross, but I'm glad he enjoyed himself. After he at his fill, he was more than happy to give cake to everyone else!

Uncle Sean trying to get in on the action. Look at the clump of cake in his hand. Ridiculous.

Here Pawpaw. Your turn.
Happy Birthday, sweet boy. We love you very much.