Our pebble is finally here. Lily Kathrine Stone was born at 10:20 p.m. on August 9. She is a big girl, 8 lbs and 7 oz. She's 20 inches long and has a head full of dark hair. It's wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be, especially after the epidural. I started having contractions at about 4:30 on Tuesday morning and we went to the hospital at 11:45. I started pushing at 9:55 and by 10:20 p.m., baby Lily was here. We're at home now, getting settled in. We're all doing great. If you want to know what Josh thinks, here's what he wrote on his blog:
Make Room For Daddy!
Isn't life grand? The love of my life gave birth to the greatest gift anyone could ever give me on August 9th, 2005, at 10:20 pm. My little princess is named Lily Kathrine Stone and she is the most beautiful, wonderful, sweetest person I have ever had the joy of meeting in my entire life. Lily was 8lbs 7oz and 20 inches long when she was born. And she is an angel. Before she got here I thought I understood what "happiness" was. I was "happy" when I was playing Madden, or watching the Braves and Auburn football on TV, or reading Hunter S. Thompson. But now I understand what the word means, happiness is laying on a couch while your baby sleeps on your chest. Happiness is kissing your baby on the forehead. Happiness is changing your baby's diaper because she can't do it herself. Happiness is letting your baby suck on the end of your finger (trust me its great).Let me say one more thing. Before the birth I was adament about the fact that I didn't want to witness the birth. I was going to be in the room but I thought that by being at the head of the bed that I wouldn't be able to see what was going on. Well I was wrong, but I am glad that I was. I'm glad because I witnessed a miracle. I now have no doubt about which is the stronger gender. My wife is so amazing and I now have even more respect for her. There is no way I could have endured what she went through......I was in awe.So, right now I am completely and totally content. We bring baby Lily home tomorrow and I can't wait! I will post pictures soon so that the 2 people who read this blog can see them.Wow, huh? I know. I'm gonna post a couple of pictures now and then try to put my new little baby to bed. I'm sure lucky.