Well alot has happened since the last update. I had my baby shower on Saturday. It was good. My little baby has enough clothes that she will be able to wear a new outfit everyday until she's about 2. And we finally got a mattress. We went and got it on Sunday morning. Happy Father's Day to Josh. He got to help me sort through baby stuff! I'll post some of the pictures from it.
I also had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I've gained 2 more pounds, bringing the grand total to 16. He said I must have read the book because everything is just like it should be. My next appointment is July 5.
Other than that, I've just been working. I'm trying to get everything washed, and put together, and put up. I'm sure you can imagine how that's going! Oh well, she'll never know that her momma is a sucky house keeper. Well, at least not for a while. Maybe I'll get better at it by then!