I know it's been a while since I updated, but I live a busy life. We've been shopping for maternity clothes again, and this weekend I'm going to Auburn to get a crib, changing table, and dresser (Thanks, Heather!) I need something to keep me busy over the weekend or the anticipation of Monday will kill me. Hopefully, we will find out what kind of baby we are having then.
I can feel the baby moving now. Somedays I don't even hardly notice it but then some, it seems like it is moving all day long. Last night was one of those times. It's funny because I have this little lump that keeps moving. You can't feel it on the outside, but you can see it change. Yesterday it was on one side, but today it's on the other. Josh thinks it's funny that I have this crazy little bump.
According to the book, the baby is about 6 inches long. In the next few days, it will grow eyebrows and fine scalp hair. I think that since it's Josh and my baby, it won't actually grow any of this scalp hair, but be bald forever instead.
I guess that's all of the excitement for now. Be watching on Monday for another update. My appointment is at 1 so anytime after about 2:30. I can't wait!!!