Today was Lily's first trip to the zoo. We went with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Tom. It was hot, but Daddy didn't complain. Lily seemed to like it alright. She was hot and she was getting a little crabby, so she took a nap at the end. The highlight of her first visit was her first ice cream cone. Apparently she really, really likes ice cream.
Lily is getting so big. She took a couple of step Friday night, but I still think it'll be a while before she's toddling around without being bribed with a cell phone. She's a good crawler and seem to be content getting around that way. She has 5, almost 6, teeth and she'll bite you if you want to find out if number 6 is in yet. She's talking a tiny bit. She'll say mama and dada every once in a while and I think she said boat. She says something like kitty and the babysitter says she said cat, but I don't know about that. She's a wonderful singer as well. Row, row, row your boat....
So far, Lily is having a good time with the babysitters. Nana Barbie watched her Monday and Friday. Grandma Kim watched her on Wednesday and Thursday, and she only went to the babysitter's house on Tuesday. She liked it; Missy kept her busy. I don't know who was more tired, Lily or Missy.
The biggest Lily update isn't even about Lily. It's about her daddy. He's going to be a junior high teacher! Yes, it's true. He signed a contract and everything. Our whole family is very excited about this. He's going to teach 7th and 9th grade history at Capital Heights Jr. High. Can you imagine? Mommy's got a new job, Daddy's got a new job...things are looking up for the Stone family!