Lily and I went shopping today. She's just can't hang yet. We went to the fabric store first. Well, when we got there she was wide awake so I just carried her in. She sat in the buggy like a big girl for about 20 minutes. All of the old ladies at the fabric store just eat her up. They all try to talk to her and tell me how pretty she is. One lady told me, "Oh, she's so good." It was a jinx. Lily had had enough. She decided that she didn't want to be in the buggy and not only should I hold her, but she should take a little nap. Since I didn't have her car seat in the store, I had to carry her. She may only weigh 14 1/2 pounds, but that's alot to carry while you shop. Try writing a check doing that. After we finished there, she slept through the consignment store and the bank. She woke up for Wal-Mart, but that was the end. We went home and she had some lunch and a good nap in her own bed. When she woke up, guess what? She was fussy because she's getting (or actually got!) another tooth! Oh well, she's going to have to toughen up if she's gonna go with Grandma and mommy and Auntie Sonya. Here's some pictures from this afternoon!