My 3rd trimester starts on Wednesday. It's almost here. We only have 12 weeks left until we'll have to wait to find out her name! Only her daddy and I know, and we're not telling.
My dr's appointment went well. I was there forever, but didn't find out a thing. They're supposed to call and tell me if anything is wrong, but Dr. Garrard didn't seem too concerned. I have my next appointment June 6th (Marie's Birthday!!). We get another ultrasound that day, so that's exciting. Oh yeah, I gained 4 more pounds. That's 12 total. Not bad at all.
This weekend we are going to try again to get some more of the baby's room done. We'll see how that goes. I'll post a picture of what we did instead this past weekend. There were alot of distractions at our house so we got no work done. Oh well. Hope for the best this weekend!